Case 1


After a traumatic fall, Chris injured his front teeth and couldn’t wait to get them fixed. His smile was fully restored with 3 porcelain crowns and 1 veneer. Now he’s back smiling from ear-to-ear!
Case 2


Rachel didn’t like the way her front teeth looked and knew that she had a lot of cavities. She also didn’t like the gaps where teeth had previously been taken out and never replaced. After addressing all the decay and infection, her smile was restored to its original beauty with 6 crowns in the front plus an upper removable partial. Amazing!
Case 3


Frank had some worn and discolored front teeth, and he didn’t like the way his smile looked. After addressing all decay and infection, his smile was upgraded with 6 new porcelain crowns. What a stunning change!
Case 4


Shanice had some gold crowns from when she was younger but no longer liked the way they made her look. She felt self-conscious and was ready for a new start. Her smile was rejuvenated using 4 beautiful porcelain crowns. Now she’s smiling like never before!
Case 5


Marilyn had some old dental work that she was ready to re-do. Her front teeth were no longer straight, and the old porcelain had started to fade. Her smile was restored back to new with Zoom Whitening, followed by crowns and veneers across her front teeth. Marilyn couldn’t be happier!
Case 6


Mary had been missing her 2 front teeth for a long time due to an accident and had grown tired of wearing a removable “flipper” (a removable device that must be taken out at night and sometimes while eating). She chose a more permanent solution with 2 implants and 2 crowns. Mary is now smiling more than ever!
Case 7


Michael was unhappy with the gap between his front teeth, as well as their overall shape. His smile was made picture-perfect with 4 beautiful porcelain veneers!
Case 8


Willie knew that her front teeth were in bad shape and wondered if she would ever smile again. However, she decided to “go for it” and take the next steps for a healthier mouth and a beautiful new look! After addressing decay and infection, Willie’s front four teeth were restored with natural-looking porcelain crowns. Her caring spirit now shines forth in her new-found smile!
Case 9


Danitra finished her braces but still had spaces around her front “side teeth” due to them being undersized. She wanted to get bonding to restore them to the proper size and shape. Danitra’s teeth were fixed with a chairside veneer technique, which involves building them up using a white resin material. The patient and dental team couldn’t be happier with the results!
Case 10


Jean had multiple teeth that were thin and wearing down. She was unhappy with how her smile looked, and she knew that she wanted to keep her teeth for a lifetime. Jean chose 10 all-porcelain crowns to both improve the esthetics of her smile and strengthen her top teeth. Now her beautiful smile complements her vibrant spirit better than ever!
Get a brighter smile today!
Contact us now to schedule your appointment and have the smile you've dreamed about!